Welcome to the Ebtahaj Research Group!



Ardeshir Ebtehaj

Assistant Professor

University of Minnesota

College of Science & Engineering

Department of Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering

Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory 

Tel: (612) 301-1483

Office: 378 (SAFL), 162 (CEGE)

e-mail: [email protected]

Curriculum Vitae: (PDF)

A short Bio ...


Hydrologic sciences and remote Sensing (HydSens) laboratory is an academic team in the Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL) at the University of Minnesota.

The overarching goal is to uncover physical mechanisms describing hydrologic water cycle through modern data science approaches and provide solutions for sustainable developments across water and food systems. 


Aug 2020, Ardeshir Ebtehaj's proposal to the Legislative

Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) is selected for funding to advance the knowledge and develop technologies for remote sensing of microplastics in surface waters.  

July 2020, Ardeshir Ebtehaj received funding from NASA's Remote Sensing Theory (RST) program in Earth Science to advance our knowledge in inversion of land and atmospheric radiative transfer models for improved remote sensing of frozen components of the hydrologic cycle using satellite data.

May 2020, We released a new global data set of monthly changes in surface soil moisture using the observations by the NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite. 

May 2020, Ardeshir Ebtehaj received funding from NASA's Interdisciplinary Science (IDS) program in Earth Science to expand our understanding of the global life cycle of snow using satellite data. The project aims to better understand microwave signals of high-latitude snowfall to improve monitoring of changes of hydrologic water cycle in polar regions.